Platform 2020 Prague is a pan-European and global database covering all fields of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (TCIM), so that everyone, both professionals and non professionals, can obtain and use information in the field of TCIM therapies and holistic treatment. For this purpose, the World Health Congress 2020 Prague is convened. With the participation of important world personalities, the Main Event of the Congress will officially launch the Platform 2020 Prague between 10 - 12 September 2021. The congress was inaugurated by the Videocongress on 20 June 2020 - www.whc2021prague.com.
The demand for the traditional and complementary healing methods is increasing all over the society. This global trend is supported not only in EU, but also NATO, WHO, WHA and other international organizations recommend to study and develop this area. It is also very actual and desired to start creating a bridge between the medical fields of EBM (Evidence-Based Medicine) and the fields of TCIM, and create a space for mutual communication. It is necessary to realise that TCIM and medicine are not competitors, both should serve people in such area where a given field can be suitably applied to improve the quality of life, to decrease incidence of diseases and raise healthcare knowledgeability, and last but not least, to decrease healthcare costs. One of the results of the Congress, which is co-organised by the Institute for TCIM, is the creation of the PLATFORM 2020 PRAGUE – an information space for communication and mutual cooperation between the fields of EBM (Evidence-based medicine) and TCIM. It is a project with significant global reach, which is in something similar to Wikipedia.
The preparatory period was inaugurated by a videocongress on 20 June 2020 from 3 pm (CEST), and the Platform will be put into operation on 10 - 12 September 2021 during the main event of the World Health Congress 2020 Prague. In the preparation period, the Platform is launched in trial operation.
Let me start with informing you what the Platform is not, definitely, it is not another "union of unions."
For the further development of TCIM (Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine), the clear need to unify efforts and deepen cooperation across all disciplines is gradually appearing, even in relation to EBM medicine (Evidence Based Medicine), a complex space is still lacking.
It is a unique project worldwide. The aim is to provide a common space for all branches of TCIM, enabling free and advantageous cooperation, sharing and mutual friendly support without any censorship, the space similar to the Wikipedia portal in a certain way.
Now, let me introduce you the structure of the Platform, where each member will receive access to the own unique section, together with detailed instructions and technical support so that no one else can intervene in that section. Now you can see the HOME PAGE, the individual section buttons allowing you to enter the individual topics are located at the top. The platform will therefore contain complete information not only from the SCIENCE AND RESEARCH SECTION, but also all other information related to TCIM, such as the LEGISLATION SECTION, EDUCATION SECTION, MEDIA SECTION, common and individual events, projects, UNION OF TCIM SUPPORTERS and so no.
Here you can see the first section, the LIBRARY SECTION. Here you will be able to place your, say, publishing activities. The section will be structured to allow search both by fields and the associations that publish their parts here and so on. It is intended to provide access to the information in the same way as other databases, and after all, this project may contain, for example, an access button to another database. Such a database will gain more viewers because viewers will have easier access to the data comparing with the situation when viewers would have to search the database on their own.
The next section is a very important section called SCIENCE AND RESEARCH. It will contain the information from the area structured according to the topics. It will be a database of research centers, scientific journals, case studies and all other things related to this area. It will also contain a research methodology, so the members of the Platform can better target their activities in this area and comply with international research standards.
The next section is the EDUCATION section. It contains information on teaching and the taught fields, therefore it will be a worldwide database of opportunities – where to obtain education, at which school, to what extent, whether in the form of a classical course or in the form of any other relevant activity in the corresponding field of education. This will provide an easier access for those who are interested in the study of a particular field to which they want to devote their energy.
Since we all want to help a human, the next section is also very important. It is the HEALTHCARE section. It will provide the information on the achieved integration of TCIM into national health systems, including a list of facilities that already offer some of the TCIM fields in their patient care.
The LEGISLATIVE section is divided into two parts, the first part is set of resolutions by transnational organizations such as the WHO, the WHA, the European Parliament and the others. The second part contains the state of legislation in our individual countries, where we all work. At this moment, people from all over the world, from Europe, from Colombia, from the USA are present as future speakers of our conference, and I would like not to forget anyone. Legislative activities that are on the way or in preparation should be also shown here.
Regarding the MEDIA section, we should take care of this area together, both in terms of communication between individual members of the Platform and the Platform as a whole. It is very important to acquaint the public with our work, so that there is relevant and objectively evaluated information in the public space, not only something that I think is referred to as "fakes" today. In the next part, in a moment, I will explain another related topic.
The next section is the UNION OF TCIM SUPPORTERS. It should be noted that at this moment, a relatively significant part of the population is being treated with some form of TCIM. In the Europe, it can be just over 100 million people, and it is a really large number that also shows the reach and the importance of these fields in today's healthcare practice.
And let's move on, the last section I want to show you today is the PLATFORM ORGANIZATION section, it is about technical and organizational information, and we will also communicate some upcoming projects, so that we can support each other, such as petitions or other projects, and there will, of course, also be a room for our mutual discussion.
I want to emphasize that membership in the Platform will not significantly increase your organizational burden resulting from the management of your unique part, which only you will be able to access. Here you can place a description of your subject and a link to your existing pages, to what has already been created, and thus actually share and enrich us all with your work. You can put there the publications that already exist, such as a link to your existing database and so on. I think it is time to connect our efforts to help the patients. Together we can do much more, contradictions weaken the achievement of our goal. And that is important to bear in mind.
Congress website: www.whc2021prague.com
Press release from the Videocongress
Recording of the introduction of the Platform 2020 Prague by Tomas Pfeiffer at the World Health Congress 2020 Prague